Veteral Fungal Grotto Assassin – Defeat all mini bosses and bosses before defeating Vila Theran, within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon.
Veteran Shadow Slayer – Defeat three bosses, one of which is Spawn of Mephala, at Fungal Grotto.
Horror of Horrors – Defeat all the Patrolling Horrors in Imperial City (including Ysenda Resplendant).
Spiderling – miniature Spider Daedra spawned by Spider Daedra.
Ysenda Resplendant - Imperial City, Arboretum District IC.
Lady of the Depths, Imperial City Sewers IC.
Kayliriax the Spinner ( Eton Nir Grotto boss) SM.
Champion of Atrocity ( Maelstrom Arena) OR.
Bol Veppik ( Skyreach Pinnacle, Craglorn).
Skyreach Pinnacle, Craglorn ( Bol Veppik).
Imperial City Sewers ( Weaver's Nest) IC.
Cradle of Shadows ( The Elder Scrolls Online: Shadows of the Hist).
This list is incomplete help us expand it.
Uncaged – Bol Veppik is a Spider Daedra inside Skyreach Pinnacle.
Lighting the Shadows – Defeat the Spider Cult at Fungal Grotto.
Deadly Whispers – Help the Fighters Guild clear Spindleclutch of the Spider Cult.
Crawling Chaos – Speak to the Spider Daedra, Naluroen, as part of this quest.
Climbing the Spire – Reach the top of the Tormented Spire.
Azura's Relics – Recover stolen relics from Daedra worshipers.
Spider Daedra will also spawn melee-oriented spiderlings. Spider Daedra primarily use shock magic, although they will use melee attacks in certain scenarios.